I have two custom post types:
Simulations and Faculty Resources and I want to display inside Faculty Resources posts information from the Simulations.
I’ve created a Post Object inside the Faculty Resource post type with the field name: simulation_title_faculty that returns the Post ID.
And I want to display the information on the front end using shortcodes because I use the Divi theme and this way it’s the best way to do it.
Here’s the snippet I try to use without success:
function md_about_f ($atts){
$post_object = get_field('simulation_title_faculty');
if( $post_object):
$md_about = get_field('about_this_lab',$post_object->ID);
$md_about = '<div>test' . $md_about . '</div>';
return $md_about;
add_shortcode( 'mdaboutsim', 'md_about_f' );
What I do wrong?
Thank you!
Your post object is alrwady set to return an ID, but you have $post_object->ID. Remove the ->ID and it should work.