Hi !
Is it possible to use get_field()
inside acf/fields/taxonomy/query/
filter ?
I try to get the value from an other field from the filter function but it’s seems that what is return is null. The get_filed() function works well outside of this filter. Also how can i debug my variable inside the acf/fields/taxonomy/query/
filter ? When i use var_dump or echo inside the filter, it prevent the filter function from working.
function custom_acf_taxonomy_filter( $args, $field, $post_id ){
$parent = get_field('field_5f326eac0b9d8', false);
$args['parent'] = $parent->term_id;
return $args;
add_filter('acf/fields/taxonomy/query/key=field_5f32a57681da9', 'custom_acf_taxonomy_filter',11,3);
Thanks a lot for your help
Hi there, did you manage to solve this ?
I’ve a similar problem with using this filter 🙁
You must supply the post ID
If it is the same post and the field is already saved
$parent = get_field('field_5f326eac0b9d8', $post_id);
Otherwise look at this topic https://support.advancedcustomfields.com/forums/topic/filter-post-object-based-on-selected-taxonomy/