I have following scenario: I have created repeater field for CATEGORY taxonomy. Through that repeater I’m adding multiple text values, let’s call them KEYS.
On custom post type, called PRODUCTS, if I choose one of CATEGORIES, I want to display all KEYS given for that category and let the user enter for each KEY its VALUE.
Example: I have created category Cars and through repeater I have added three text keys: Doors, Engine and Transmission. When I add new product called Volkswagen Golf and set its category as Cars, I want to be able to fill for Doors: 5, Engine: 1.6, Transmission: Manual.
Any hints what should I use? Metabox for displaying category keys, but how to store values for them?
Thanks for any input on this.
What version of ACF are you using.
I’m using newest version (5.4.4) of acf pro.
Ok, my solution for now is following: created ACF repeater for taxonomy. Loading it in a loop in custom metabox on edit post page. For each key metabox is creating input with name=field[key], saving all inputs as array metadata into one metakey=>value. Loading works, saving works, displaying also. It’s not really using much of ACF (only repeater for category), but I guess it’s the only way now.
If anyone has better solution, I would be glad to hear it.
The reason I asked is that I have an example of doing something similar. It automatically populates a repeater on a post based on the repeater on the post category. There’s a lot involved, hopefully you will find the code useful https://github.com/Hube2/acf-dynamic-ajax-select-example/tree/master/dynamic-repeater-on-category