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Use ACF to dynamically put and ID into a shortcode

  • Hello,

    I am trying to use ACF to enter an ID for a download. I then want to display the download on the front end using a shortcode that has some other information in it.

    So the result I want is this:

    [download id="576" template="box-custom"]

    the ACF is a sub field called download_id_number

    I found this thread ( which I thought might work but I’m not really sure what I’m doing!

    I ended up with this:

    $download_ids = get_sub_field('download_id_number');
    $shortcode = '[download id="' . implode(',', $download_ids) . '" template="box-custom"]';
    echo do_shortcode( $shortcode );

    I also tried this (assuming the implode bit I don’t need):

    $download_ids = get_sub_field('download_id_number');
    $shortcode = '[download id="' . echo $download_ids . '" template="box-custom"]';
    echo do_shortcode( $shortcode );

    But it doesn’t work so obviously it’s not right for what I’m trying to achieve or just as likely I’ve just made a mistake!

    Can anyone please advise?


    Oh, and this code does appear within the correct repeater calls:

    	<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    					<?php // check for rows (parent repeater)
    					if( have_rows('resource_downloads') ): ?>
    						<div class="section group sectionspace">
    							<?php // loop through rows (parent repeater)
    							while( have_rows('resource_downloads') ): the_row(); ?>
    									<div class="col span_4_of_12 txtcenter">
    										$download_ids = get_sub_field('download_id_number');
    										$shortcode = '[download id="' . echo $download_ids . '" template="box-custom"]';
    										echo do_shortcode( $shortcode );
    									</div><!-- END span_4_of_12 -->
    							<?php endwhile; // while( has_sub_field('resource_downloads') ): ?>
    						</div><!-- END section group -->
    					<?php endif; // if( get_field('resource_downloads') ): ?>
    				<?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
  • Got it working… much simpler!

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[download id="'.get_sub_field('download_id_number').'" template="box-custom"]'); ?>

  • Glad you got it working. I was going to ask what type of field it was. The code you originally tried was for a field type that holds an array and in your case you have a field that holds a single value just in case you were looking for the reason why. You should mark your own answer as the solution to close out this topic.

  • thanks John, I did wonder about that array thing

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