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Use a select field to assign a taxonomy?

  • I have a custom post type for cast and crew for a community theater site.

    I have a select field with multiple choices based on roles (actor, dancer, director, etc.) – multiple roles are possible for each person.

    I also need to be able to list all actors, dancers, etc. Normally I would use a taxonomy for this, but how can I have the select field assign this person to the matching taxonomy? Is this even possible at all in ACF?

  • super easy to do even with free version.

    1. Create field group for the post_type (Post Type is equal to Cast and Crew)
    2. create a field of type Taxonomy, select what taxonomy to use, appearance of ‘Select’
    3. The new select field will now appear when editing/creating a “Cast and Crew” post

    Do ACF people answer these questions? Or do they hope we just help each other. I’ve seen many questions with no responses.

  • Thanks for the reply @curtisfraser ! I’m guessing there is no official ACF support here 🙁

    ok, so here is where I was making my mistake. I have one taxonomy for each role. I was trying to put one of those in the Taxonomy field. Instead I created a new Taxonomy named ‘Role’ and when I use *that* one, I get the option to pick one of three roles.

    Now I can’t figure out how to get taxonomies to show up in various places. I pretty much have all settings matched/duplicated, but some show up under CPT, some show in the right-hand column in CPT, and some just don’t show up at all 🙁

  • Having taxonomy show up in right hand column when editing/adding a post is done by selecting it from screen options.

    Provided of course that the taxonomy in question is associated with the post_type.

    This can be done in functions.php

    register_taxonomy(“imaTaxonomy”, [“imaPostType”]);

  • OK, got that cleared away. However, when I assign someone some roles, then update, I can then go into each taxonomy for those roles and the person is *not* in them! That’s the part that’s killing me right now…

  • May be related to using ‘save terms’ which then overrides wp meta box? I did find where to see a list of actors (which is showing up in Elementor) but it’s not pulling in any extra fields so more work to do……

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