file: core\fields\_functions.php
function: update_value
For some reason, $post_id is being fed into the function as _nnnn_ . Since it’s neither numeric nor starts with “user_” it updates the options table.
The problem it causes is that the options default to autoload “yes”, and now I have over a thousand options autoloading that I don’t need.
I don’t see where the _nnnn_ is being generated. It’s definitely not the post id.
I see the relevant and correct data fields in *_postmeta
_options table:
option_id | option_name | option_value | autoload
2407999 | _19943_video_url | | yes
2408000 | __19943_video_url | field_7 | yes
2408001 | _19943_alternate_video_url | | yes
2408002 | __19943_alternate_video_url | field_10 | yes
2408003 | _19943_expiration_date | | yes
2408004 | __19943_expiration_date | field_8 | yes
2408005 | _19943_video_splash_image | 67078 | yes
2408006 | __19943_video_splash_image | field_9 | yes
2408007 | _19943_video_height | | yes
2408008 | __19943_video_height | field_11 | yes
2408009 | _19943_video_width | | yes
2408010 | __19943_video_width | field_12 | yes
_postmeta table:
meta_id| post_id | meta_key | meta_value
212173 | 67054 | video_url |
212174 | 67054 | _video_url | field_7
212175 | 67054 | alternate_video_url |
212176 | 67054 | _alternate_video_url | field_10
212177 | 67054 | expiration_date |
212178 | 67054 | _expiration_date | field_8
212179 | 67054 | video_splash_image | 67078
212180 | 67054 | _video_splash_image | field_9
212181 | 67054 | video_height |
212182 | 67054 | _video_height | field_11
212183 | 67054 | video_width |
212184 | 67054 | _video_width | field_12
Hi @marcgott
I can’t explain the ‘_nnnn_’ either, but it would be worth a shot to do a search for the string ‘_nnnn_’ within your entire WP folder.
Does it appear anywhere?
Perhaps you could also search for all ‘acf/update_value’ refernces and debug those blocks of code to find this strange $post_id value
Good luck, let me know what you find,