Documentation says:
True on successful update, false on failure.
However, I get false even though update is successful?
I know that the result returns false if the old value and new value is equal, but in my case, it returns false even if:
1) old value !== new value
2) I see it updates just fine
I tried one of the examples in the documentation :
$selector = "job_salary";
$value = array(
"is_negotiable" => "true",
"depends_on_experience" => "false"
$result = update_field( $field_key, $value, $post_id );
However, it returns false if this specific format is used.
I can’t use update_sub_field since I am not in a loop; I am working with the REST API’s register_rest_field() update callback.
Version: ACF 5.8.2
So, the issue here is that you’re using a repeater field.
The repeater meta key is job_salary
and it contains the number of rows in the repeater. Assuming the repeater already has 1 row and you are updating that row, it still has 1 row so no change has been made to the meta value of repeater field even if sub fields have been changed.
I’m not sure I know of any way around this.
You could attempt to call update_field for the sub fields using their actual meta key, but I really don’t know if this will work.
update_field('job_salary_0_is_negotiable', 'true', $post_id);
update_field('job_salary_0_depends_on_experience', 'false', $post_id);
However, I do not know that this will work and even if it does I know that it will not work if the repeater in question will be updated correctly, especially if the repeater does not already have a value.