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update_field on a relationship field

  • Hello,
    in the backend of a post I am trying to create another post with custom fields, then add the new post to an existing relationship field in the same set of fields of the first post.

    Something like:
    related_posts (relationship field)

    I created an ACF form to manage related posts, and I would like to create a new related post on the fly in the same form.
    I have a relationship field ‘related_posts’, then a True/False to ask “Do you want to create a new related post?”, conditional fields to write the title of the new post and add some other custom fields.
    In my functions I managed to create the new post on save, but I’m not sure about how can add it to the related posts relationship field.

    If I use this code
    update_field('related_posts', $post_id);
    the new post replaces ALL the posts that I had previously selected in my relationship field. How can I add the new post to the selected old posts, instead?

    Thank you

  • Also, how can I reset/clear the values of previous fields that I used to write the name and other metadata after I save the post?

  • To update an existing relationship field to add a value you first need to get the existing value without formatting and then add the new post ID to it.

    // get current value
    $value = get_field('relationship_field', $post_id, false);
    // add new id to the array
    $value[] = $inserted_post_id
    // update the field
    update_field('relationship_field', $value, $post_id);

    To delete existing values in the current post

    delete_field('some_field', $post_id);
  • Thanks, it worked like a charm!
    Just a note about deleting fields, in case someone needs it:
    to delete a field inside a group i used this formula

    it works even if groups names and fields names already contain underscores, i.e.:
    Group name: my_group
    Field name: my_field
    delete_field('my_group_my_field', $post_id);

  • I’m not sure where I’m going wrong but I can’t seem to get it to work for me;

    add_action("gform_after_submission_2", "acf_post_submission", 10, 2);
    function acf_post_submission ($entry, $form) {
        //if the Advanced Post Creation add-on is used, more than one post may be created for a form submission
        //the post ids are stored as an array in the entry meta
        $created_posts = gform_get_meta( $entry['id'], 'gravityformsadvancedpostcreation_post_id' );
        foreach ( $created_posts as $post ) {
            $post_id = $post['post_id'];
            // Do your stuff here.
            echo "<br />Post ID: " . $post_id;
            $values = rgar( $entry, '11' );
            echo "<br />Billing Entity: " . $values;
            // get current value
            $value = get_field('billing_entity', $post_id, false);
            // add new id to the array
            $value[] = $values;
            // update the field
            update_field('field_66b0d39eed031', $value, $post_id);

    The relationship field doesn’t update.

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