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Update Site Timezone with ACF Field

  • I’m building a custom options / setup page so a client can update various site settings (and a bunch of other stuff) rather than going to WP General Settings page.

    I’ve got basic text fields squared away such as Site Title, Site Tagline, etc. but I want to change the site Timezone. A few items:

    1. In creating a Select / dropdown field, How do I match the exact values that are available in the WP Settings page? (I cannot find a full list of existing timezones) For example, “Los Angeles” in the admin front end is saved as ‘America/Los_Angeles’ in the database.

    2. Once that is setup, how do I write the value back to the WP OPtions. I’ve tried

    update_option('timezone_string',get_field('platform_timezone','options'), true);

    But that doesn’t work. Any thoughts?


  • If you’re looking to reverse-engineer Core functionality, just look it up in the source code:

    wp_timezone_choice() generates the select options. You’ll likely need to create a custom way to parse this into your ACF select though.

    As for saving the field, the original option value should do. That’s what the WP options page does at least.

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