I have two forms on the front end:
1- For creating a post and setting its status to ‘pending’
2- For looking at existing posts with status ‘pending’, these can then be edited and/or just saved
My issue: when I try to publish on form 2, I have the post status set to ‘publish’ this does not override the post status.
I have found some previous code for this and it works, however it overrides the status to ‘publish’ for form 1 as well.
Is there a way I can make this code run only for form 2 only?
function my_pre_save_post($post_id) {
// check for numerical post_id and check post_type
if (!is_numeric($post_id) || get_post_type($post_id) != 'post') {
return $post_id;
// update status to publish
$post = array(
'ID' => $post_id,
'post_status' => 'publish' ,
// update the post
return $post_id;
add_filter('acf/pre_save_post' , 'my_pre_save_post', 10, 1 );
I worked out how to do this by adding the following code at the top.
This returns if the page is not the required page:
if (!is_page('page-slug')) {