Hello ACF-Community
I want to update a checkbox field with 3 options inside a group inside a repeater with the update_row function, but it doesn´t work for me.
The structure of my acf-fields ist
-> ‘Group’
-> ‘Checkbox’ => (‘Option1’, ‘Option2’, ‘Option3’)
Maybe i have 5 entries in my repeater and want to add Option3 into the 4th entry.
How does it works?
I know the key of the checkbox field so i can address the field directly
This is my code:
update_row('field_63320fed32d79', 4, array('Checkbox' => 'Option3'), $post_id);
The “Option3” will not be set after i used this code and i can´t find a solution for this specific case.
There are a few answers for a update in a loop but no one for one row in a repeater with a someentries.
I found a solution
I used the wrong field. The key was the the key from the checkbox field but i needed the key/name from the repeater field.
update_row('repeater', 4, array('Group' => array('Checkbox' => 'Option3')), $post_id);