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Hello everyone,
I would like to update a field taxonomy with mutiple value? if the term does not exist the term is created.
I have this code :
$term_id = term_exists( ‘Pianiste’, ‘Functions’, $parent ); // The term matched the ID is 178
wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, $term_id->term_id, ‘Functions’ );
But when i use the function wp_set_post_terms a new term is created with name 178 and the field doesn’t selected anything.
Can you help me ?
Thank you
hi @signelazer
If you’re setting it on a custom post type, you’ll need to use this function wp_set_object_terms
instead. https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/114576/wp-set-post-terms-not-work
Also, term_exists
sends back the ID, so you don’t need to do $term_id->term_id
, just $term_id
would work as found here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/term_exists
I found this by searching “wp_set_post_terms not working” and it was in the top 3 links (at least for my results). When trying to debug a situation, try searching for what’s wrong and you’ll find that usually a lot of other people have struggled with the same issue.
Here’s some a resource (provided by ACF) for debugging: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/debug/
Let us know if this helps or if the problem persists!
Hi @nathanaelphilip,
Thank for reply.
I know this function but it’s just create a new term if the term not exist.
Now i would like to make the selected value into the acf field taxonomy.
I see it’s a Select2.
Thanks in advance.
wp_set_post_terms($post_id, array($term_id->term_id), 'Functions');
wp_set_object_terms($post_id, array($term_id->term_id), 'Functions');
Hi John,
Thank you for the reply,
I think i’m in good way,
In the database the field is good
But the select field is not render the value.
Thank you in advance.
Try using the update_field
ACF API function. In my experience, the backend ACF UI wasn’t selecting the attached terms because they weren’t associated correctly in the database.
update_field documentation:
Here is an example that uses a Gravity Forms hook. After a user submits the form, a new post is created. Once it’s created and the terms are attached to the post, I take those terms (array) and use the update_field ACF function to attach them. Now, my taxonomy checkboxes on the backend are correctly selected.
add_action( 'gform_after_submission_1', 'update_acf_terms_for_rentals', 10, 2 );
function update_acf_terms_for_rentals( $entry, $form ) {
//get the post
$post = get_post( $entry['post_id'] );
// get the term IDs array (IDs only)
$term_list = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'space', array("fields" => "ids"));
// Insert the $term_list into the database via ACF
$field_key = 'field_5b50eb94713f1';
update_field($field_key, $term_list, $post->ID);
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