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Update field in category by functions.php on category save?

  • I’have some problem with my WordPress functions.php script.

    When I go to edit Category of Post, I have URL:


    I need a function to update the field in category with ID from URL.

    function overwrite_ratings_category(){
    	update_field('field_630dbc7cf3fdd', '432', 'category_'.$_GET['tag_ID']);

    When I use number (e.g. 3) instead $_GET[‘tag_ID’] function works fine. But it’s not working with $_GET[‘tag_ID’].

    Is there any other way to get the ID of the currently edited category?

  • You should use the acf/save_post hook with a priority > 10

    function overwrite_ratings_category($post_id){
      if (is_string($post_id) && substr($post_id, 0, 5) == 'term_') {
        update_field('field_630dbc7cf3fdd', '432', $post_id);

    This might change depending on what type of field you are trying to update. What type of field are you trying to update?

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