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Update Custom Post Type ACF with Options ACF

  • I have created an Options Page that lives as a sub-page under the Custom Post Type I am trying to update. The CPT is tied to a lot of critical data – so instead of rewriting a large portion of the site, I figured I would just use an Options page to update the CPT ACF that way the rest of the code can stay as-is.

    I have the Options Page working and setup. I’m also able to save values to the Options Page, but they do not update the CPT ACF. I have also tried manually saving the CPT, but the values never update there either.

    I also have a post object that I intended to use as an identifier to check which post object was selected and compare it to the location currently being looped – but I could not get that working either.

    The fields of the CPT and Options are identical except the Options page ACF lives in a repeater (1 row for each CPT): the only difference being I have appended _upd to the end of the Options field names to differentiate them. The Data I am trying to update is also in a Tab if that matters.

    I’m not sure if i’m using the wrong hook or going about this entirely wrong. It seemed simple enough at first..

    This is what I have so far in my functions.php file:

    function update_fuel_prices() {
    	$screen = get_current_screen(); // make sure we're on the right options page
    	if( strpos($screen->id, 'acf-options-fuel-price-table') == true ) {
    		/**  pseudo code layout of implementation
    		foreach repeater as item
    			get repeater values
    			foreach location cpt
    				update fields with repeater values above
    		Potentially use 2 separate foreach loops and save repeater data as an array to loop through inside locations loop
    		auto-save / publish the data in the CPT without having to manually save each post
    		maybe use update_post_meta() instead - with ACF?
    		// setup args for existing locations (total of 11)
    		$location = array(
    			'post_type' => 'location',
    			'post_status' => 'publish',
    			'orderby' => 'title',
    			'order' => 'ASC'
    		// $loc_id = wp_insert_post( $location );
    		// Get our location's acf field keys (fields that will be updated)
    		// Current checkbox options - "regular",  "regular_unleaded",  "unleaded_88",  "mid_grade",  "premium",  "diesel",  "bulk_def"
    		$loc_fuel_available_key = 'field_5809a9ba8e8f5'; // fuel_availability - Checkbox (checkbox options above)
    		$loc_unleaded_key = 'field_580095114ff69';       // unleaded_cash_price - Number
    		$loc_unleaded_88_key = 'field_5d314a346e78c'; 	 // unleaded_88_cash_price - Number
    		$loc_diesel_key = 'field_5809a9838e8f4'; 		 // diesel_cash_price - Number
    		$loc_bulk_key = 'field_5809aa1e8e8f6'; 			 // bulk_def_cash_price - Number
    		$loc_hide_price_key = 'field_5d314d5ace408'; 	 // hide_unleaded_cash_price - True/False
    		// Get our Option's acf field keys (fields used to update the above fields)
    		$repeater_key = 'field_5da530ac6102d'; 			 // fuel_price_repeater - Repeater
    		$choose_location = 'field_5da539726102e';  		 // choose_location - Post Object (single select only)
    		$op_fuel_available_key = 'field_5da52107683c7';  // fuel_availability_upd - Checkbox
    		$op_unleaded_key = 'field_5da521a4ad7d7'; 		 // unleaded_cash_price_upd - Number
    		$op_unleaded_88_key = 'field_5da521e5ad7d8'; 	 // unleaded_88_cash_price_upd - Number
    		$op_diesel_key = 'field_5da524e1ad7d9'; 		 // diesel_cash_price_upd - Number
    		$op_bulk_key = 'field_5da52550ad7da'; 			 // bulk_def_cash_price_upd - Number
    		$op_hide_price_key = 'field_5da5256dad7db'; 	 // hide_unleaded_cash_price_upd - True/False
    		$repeater = get_field( 'fuel_price_repeater', 'options' );
    		// start loop for each repeater on Fuel Options Page
    		foreach( $repeater as $item ) :
    			$post_objects = get_sub_field( 'choose_location', 'options' );
    			$op_fuel_available_value = get_sub_field( 'fuel_availability_upd', 'options' ); // Checkbox
    			$op_unleaded_value = get_sub_field( 'unleaded_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // Number
    			$op_unleaded_88_value = get_sub_field( 'unleaded_88_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // Number
    			$op_diesel_value = get_sub_field( 'diesel_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // Number
    			$op_bulk_value = get_sub_field( 'bulk_def_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // Number
    			$op_hide_price_value = get_sub_field( 'hide_unleaded_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // True/False
    			// if( $post_objects ) :
    			// 	$temp_post = $post;
    				foreach( $location as $loc ) :
    					$lid = $loc->ID;
    					//if( $temp_post->title == $loc->title ) {
    						update_field( $loc_fuel_available_key, $op_fuel_available_value, $lid );
    						update_field( $loc_unleaded_key, $op_unleaded_88_value, $lid );
    						update_field( $loc_unleaded_88_key, $op_unleaded_88_value, $lid );
    						update_field( $loc_diesel_key, $op_diesel_value, $lid );
    						update_field( $loc_bulk_key, $op_bulk_value, $lid );
    						update_field( $loc_hide_price_key, $op_hide_price_value, $lid );
    			// endif;
    	} // end of screen check
    // when the update button is clicked - run this function
    add_action( 'acf/save_post', 'update_fuel_prices', 10, 3 );

    This is how I created the options page:

    if( function_exists('acf_add_options_page') ) :
    			acf_add_options_sub_page( array(
    				'page_title' 	=> 'Fuel Prices',
    				'menu_title'	=> 'Fuel Price Table',
    				'parent_slug'	=> 'edit.php?post_type=location',
    				'capability'	=> 'edit_posts',
    				'redirect'		=> false
  • So I ended up figuring this out – the above code is (mostly) entirely wrong. For anyone else needing a bump in the right direction this is what I have currently working – though note that it is “unfinished” but the code structure is correct now, I just haven’t added all of the fields I am using.

    function update_fuel_prices() {
    	$screen = get_current_screen(); // make sure we're on the right options page
    	if( strpos($screen->id, 'acf-options-fuel-price-table') == true ) {
    		// setup args for existing locations (total of 11)
    		$args = array(
    			'post_type' => 'location',
    			'post_status' => 'publish',
    			'posts_per_page' => -1,
    			'orderby' => 'title',
    			'order' => 'ASC'
    		// $loc_id = wp_insert_post( $location );
    		$loc_query = new WP_Query( $args );
    		$loc_fuel_available_key = 'field_5809a9ba8e8f5'; // fuel_availability - Checkbox (checkbox options above)
    		$loc_unleaded_key = 'field_580095114ff69';       // unleaded_cash_price - Number
    		$loc_unleaded_88_key = 'field_5d314a346e78c'; 	 // unleaded_88_cash_price - Number
    		$loc_diesel_key = 'field_5809a9838e8f4'; 		 // diesel_cash_price - Number
    		$loc_bulk_key = 'field_5809aa1e8e8f6'; 			 // bulk_def_cash_price - Number
    		$loc_hide_price_key = 'field_5d314d5ace408'; 	 // hide_unleaded_cash_price - True/False
    		if( $loc_query->have_posts() ) :
    			while( $loc_query->have_posts() ) : $loc_query->the_post();
    				$post_id = get_the_ID();
    				$post_title = get_the_title();
    				//error_log($post_id . ' - ' . $post_title); // ensure we have proper location data
    				// Optional Check - make sure we have data to update with
    				if( have_rows('fuel_price_repeater', 'options') ) :
    					// get our repeater field values
    					$op_fuel_available_value = get_sub_field( 'fuel_availability_upd', 'options' ); // Checkbox
    					$op_unleaded_value = get_sub_field( 'unleaded_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // Number
    					$op_unleaded_value = get_sub_field( 'unleaded_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // Number
    					$op_unleaded_88_value = get_sub_field( 'unleaded_88_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // Number
    					$op_diesel_value = get_sub_field( 'diesel_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // Number
    					$op_bulk_value = get_sub_field( 'bulk_def_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // Number
    					$op_hide_price_value = get_sub_field( 'hide_unleaded_cash_price_upd', 'options' ); // True/False
    					// update the location fields
    					update_field( $loc_unleaded_key, $op_unleaded_value, $post_id );
    	} // end of screen check
    // when the update button is clicked - run this function
    add_action( 'acf/save_post', 'update_fuel_prices' );
  • I couldn’t edit the above post so I’ll put this here. There is a mistake on the second “if” where it checks the repeater for rows.

    It should be: if( have_rows('fuel_price_repeater', 'options') ) : the_row();

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