Greeting! I have a question regardin the block preview update. Imagine an ACF Block displaying 3 pieces of information:
– The post title via get_the_title().
– A text field in the document/post scope via get_field( ‘field’, $post_id ).
– A text field inside of the block via get_field( ‘field’ ).
While editing the block field, the preview is constantly updated. That’s great but unfortunately the same doesn’t apply for the other two: in order for the preview to be updated I need to save the post and then reload the page. Is there any other way?
Wondering this as well. So far I can only get the title of the block (same as title of the post) to update when I refresh the page.
I thought it through a bit and came up with the code below. It works for my block, only on the back-end because we’re just using PHP on the front-end.
if (is_admin()) { ?>
document.querySelector('.editor-post-title__input').addEventListener('input', (e) => {
var title =;
document.querySelector('.SELECTOR-OF-ELEMENT-YOU-WANT-TO-CHANGE').innerHTML = title;
<?php }
Block only containing Inner Blocks selected appearance in editor. 0; Gutenberg ยท 16 hours, … Update block preview on post title/fields change.