Hi there, is it possible to create unlinked custom fields, that is fields without relations to other fields? If so how should I manage those? For instance in what WP form could I manage those fields?
It’s hard to say with the description given. Custom fields in ACF are always in a field group and they are related to some WP object, like a post type, taxonomy, user, etc. You can create options pages with ACF Pro https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/options-page/ and then add groups to it. These values are stored in the WP Options table and are not related to specific WP object https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_option.
John, does the Pro basic license (1) allow to install and work on both production and offline versions of the same site? Basically I develop locally on my PC and push updates to the online site…
The license for a single site allows you to have automatic updates on a single site. It will run on both the dev/staging and production sites.