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Understanding ACF data storage

  • I know you have dealt with a lot of “How does ACF store data?” questions over the years.

    I have been noting-down what I think I have learned, and I want to post it for sense-checking…

    ### Field Group – wp_posts (acf-field-group)

    Field Groups (for posts) are stored in the wp_posts as post_type acf-field-group.

    post_title – Post – Article, Viewpoint & Report fields
    post_name – post-article-viewpoint-report-fields
    post_excerpt – source_url

    ### Post Field – wp_posts (acf-field)

    Individual fields (items of a Field Group) (for posts) are stored in the wp_posts as post_type acf-field.

    post_title – Source URL
    post_name – field_5b39e6dc170b7
    post_excerpt – source_url

    ## Post meta data

    ### wp_postmeta

    The wp_postmeta table stores meta fields for WordPress posts.
    Each meta item has an entry, linked to the post ID.

    #### 1. Actual data

    ACF stores the **data** as WordPress expects, eg:
    meta_key: source_url
    meta_value: [](

    #### 2. ACF meta

    However, it also keeps a second meta item to link it to the ACF Field Group information.
    meta_key: _source_url
    meta_value: field_5b39e6dc170b7

    This is a signpost that allows ACF to link this field back to the Field data.
    – “field_5b39e6dc170b7” is the ACF name of the native field “source_url”
    – “field_5b39e6dc170b7” the post_name of the field stored in wp_posts, with post_title “Source URL”.

    #### ACF saves postmeta with null values

    Even for actual WordPress postmeta data, ACF appears to create wp_postmeta records for ACF fields with no meta_value. (2022-12-09: there were 24,013 such records with zero meta_value).

    ## Summary

    – Field Group information is stored as posts.
    – Field information is stored as posts.
    – ACF keeps 2x as much postmeta as necessary (2022-12-09: 237,853 entries in wp_postmeta)
    – It also keeps blank meta records.

    ## Questions

    – Will deleting a field delete the corresponding wp_post item of type acf-field?
    – Will deleting a field group delete the corresponding wp_post item of type acf-field-group?

    – In a scenario in which ACF is no longer used, deleting all wp_postmeta with values field_* should help tidy things up, right?
    – If I want to delete all the blank postmeta records that have been saved, I should select them with SELECT * FROMwpcxt_postmetaWHEREmeta_keyIS NOT NULL ANDmeta_value= '' and delete, right?

  • – Will deleting a field delete the corresponding wp_post item of type acf-field?


    – Will deleting a field group delete the corresponding wp_post item of type acf-field-group?

    Yes, an it will also delete all of the fields in that field group

    – In a scenario in which ACF is no longer used, deleting all wp_postmeta with values field_* should help tidy things up, right?

    This will only delete the field key references and not the field data

    – If I want to delete all the blank postmeta records that have been saved, I should select them with SELECT * FROMwpcxt_postmetaWHEREmeta_keyIS NOT NULL ANDmeta_value= ” and delete, right?

    Yes, this would delete all of the entries with empty values.

  • @hube2 ,

    Ages ago, you posted this code…

      // this action is run by ACF whenever a field is deleted
      // and is called for every field in a field group when a field group is deleted
      add_action('acf/delete_field', 'delete_acf_content_on_delete_field');
      function delete_acf_content_on_delete_field($field) {
        // runs when acf deletes a field
        // find all occurences of the field key in all tables and delete them
        // and the custom field associated with them
        global $wpdb;
        // remove any tables from this array that you don't want to check
        $tables = array('options', 'postmeta', 'termmeta', 'usermeta', 'commentmeta');
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
          $key_field = 'meta_key';
          $value_field = 'meta_value';
          if ($table == 'options') {
            $key_field = 'option_name';
            $value_field = 'option_value';
          $table = $wpdb->{$table};
          // this query gets all key fields matching the acf key reference field
          $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT('.$key_field.')
                    FROM '.$table.'
                    WHERE '.$value_field.' = "'.$field['key'].'"';
          $results = $wpdb->get_col($query);
          if (!count($results)) {
            // no content found in this table
          // loop through keys and construct list of meta_key/option_names to delete
          $keys = array();
          foreach ($results as $key) {
            $keys[] = $key; // delete acf field key reference
            $keys[] = substr($key, 1); // delete acf field value
          // do escping of all values.... just in case
          $keys = $wpdb->_escape($keys);
          // delete all of the content
          $query = 'DELETE FROM '.$table.'
                    WHERE '.$key_field.' IN ("'.implode('","', $keys).'")';
        } // end foreach table

    For me, it doesn’t seem to fire when I delete a field (and re-save the group).

    Any reason why, in 2023, that wouldn’t work?


  • No idea, but that is not a completely safe way to delete data. It would only be safe where there is a unique field name that is never repeated in any ACF field group.

    Not sure where you got that, but I don’t even remember writing it. I can’t even be sure I tested it when I wrote it. There could have been some change in ACF since then. A quick look at the ACF code shows the hook should still be firing but I did not do a thorough search of the code.

    I can tell you that I’ve written a lot of code here that I’ve never tested and this would likely fall into the category of things I’ve never used or tested because I don’t use unique field names and I don’t have not worried about stray data in the database for a long time.

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