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Unable to return custom field in woocommerce shop subcategories

  • I am trying to echo a custom field ‘course_short_desc’ underneath the title of each woocommerce subcategory on the parent category page (which lists all the shop subcategories).

    Have spent a whole day on this without success. The closest I have got is the following code…

    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_subcategory_title', 'display_short_course_info', 35 );  
    function display_short_course_info() {
        $term_object = get_queried_object();
        echo the_field('course_short_desc', 'product_cat_'.$term_object->term_id);

    This code does echo out ‘course_short_desc’ value but for the parent category, not the shop subcategory itself. I know I need to hook into the sub-category’s field somehow but nothing I have tried has worked. Any help much appreciated, thanks.

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