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I am running a site for someone and also doing a brand new one from scratch for them, and I noticed the ACF that is installed on their original site says this.
Plugin Name: Advanced Custom Fields
Plugin URI: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/
Description: Fully customise WordPress edit screens with powerful fields. Boasting a professional interface and a powerfull API, it’s a must have for any web developer working with WordPress. Field types include: Wysiwyg, text, textarea, image, file, select, checkbox, page link, post object, date picker, color picker, repeater, flexible content, gallery and more!
Author: Elliot Condon
Author URI: http://www.elliotcondon.com/
License: GPL
Copyright: Elliot Condon
and the one I am working with, recently downloaded is this:
Plugin Name: Advanced Custom Fields
Plugin URI: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/
Description: Customise WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields
Version: 4.4.1
Author: Elliot Condon
Author URI: http://www.elliotcondon.com/
License: GPL
Copyright: Elliot Condon
Can someone tell me what the difference is?
They did not tell me they purchased the plugin, but they may have. I need to ask their marketing company.
but oddly enough they are both updated to the current version, but act entirely different. the 4.4.1 has more features and works better than the, which has a higher number, has fewer features and the WYSIWYG editor when creating a page, does not show the style bar.
OKAY, I looked even further and got more confused, the ACF field groups page states this on the right hand side:
for version
Advanced Custom Fields
See what’s new in version
going to the link on the page goes to here:
Welcome to Advanced Custom Fields
Thank you for updating to the latest version!
ACF is more polished and enjoyable than ever before. We hope you like it.What’s New Changelog
Changelog for
Select field: Revert choices logic – Learn more
CSS: Revert metabox CSS – Learn more
Core: Fixed save_post conflict with Shopp plugin – Learn more
for version 4.4.1
Advanced Custom Fields 4.4.1
See what’s new in version 4.4.1
and going to the link goes to here:
Welcome to Advanced Custom Fields 4.4.1
Thank you for updating to the latest version!
ACF 4.4.1 is more polished and enjoyable than ever before. We hope you like it.What’s New Changelog
Changelog for 4.4.1
Taxonomy field: Added compatibility for upcoming ‘term splitting’ in WP 4.2
Taxonomy field: Major improvement to save/load setting allowing for different values on multiple sub fields
Core: Minor fixes and improvements
so, it looks like the is really and i need to upgrade, but it does not say I need to.
Hi @davenportgm
You can safely delete all instances of ACF from the plugins page (it wont delete any of your field data or meta values). But take a backup first just for good measure.
Then reinstall the latest version of ACF and you should be good to go.
To me it would seem that someone has made manual changes to the ACF core files and changed the version number to avoid getting new updates. A very bad practice which I admit I’ve been guilty of myself earlier in my WP usage.
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