i have a custom field where i can choose the category per pulldown, so in the template i can get this custom post type category to show a loop:
$temp = $wp_query;
$wp_query = null;
$wp_query = new WP_Query (array('post_type' => 'stellenangebote', 'category_name' => get_field('jobs_kategorie') ));
but the part with:
'category_name' => get_field('jobs_kategorie')
won’t work. any idea?
You are getting the value of your custom field (jobs_kategorie) outside of loop so you should provide the post id as well in get_field() like get_field('category-name', 64)
For your case I recommend you to add another custom field for post id.
$wp_query = new WP_Query (array('post_type' => 'stellenangebote', 'category_name' => get_field('jobs_kategorie', 'jobs_post_id') ));
got it working now:
$temp = $wp_query;
$wp_query= null;
$wp_query = new WP_Query();
$wp_query->query('cat='.(get_field('jobs_kategorie')).'&paged='.$paged .'&showposts=1' .'&post_type=stellenangebote' ); ?>