we just updated the plugin and was surprised that some of the fields has gone bad. No toolbar and tinyMCE visible on wysiwyg field
Here’s what it looks now and its settings as well
Hi @wdoutjah
Your screenshots show that you have a JS error on the page which is preventing the WYSIWYG field to load.
Can you open your console log and check for JS errors?
I am having the same problem – I checked the console log and it does look like something is preventing the wysiwyg field from loading. It looks like this:
TypeError: tinyMCE.settings is undefined
body = $(editor.getBody() );
TypeError: editor.getBody is not a function
body = $(editor.getBody() );
I’m not super advanced in javascript, so I was wondering if there is an easier way of fixing this issue? Or thoughts on what could be preventing the wysiwyg field from loading?
Thanks, your help is much appreciated!
Hi @alaena
The line:
TypeError: tinyMCE.settings is undefined
Shows that the tinyMce is not available. Have you turned off the WYSIWYG toolbar for your user?
Hi elliot,
Technically, no, I didn’t have the WYSIWYG toolbar turned off. HOWEVER, I am using a separate plugin called “CKEditor” to replace the default wordpress toolbar.
As soon as I turned the CKEditor off, success! Now the WYSIWYG toolbar displays properly.
I’m assuming it’s just a matter of the two plugins conflicting with each other? B/c the ACF custom fields plugin is probably connected to the default toolbar specifically?
Thanks for your help and quick response!