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Time Picker focus issue

  • At the moment I’m creating a timetable for a client site. I’ve chosen Repeater, Time Picker, Date Picker and the text field as my weapons of choice, and currently it looks like this: current view

    However, when I try to type to a Time Picker field manually, the input focus is removed, which is very annoying (especially from user point of view). The focus isn’t even moved to a field in the Time Picker, it’s just removed, preventing me (user) from writing directly to the input. Date Picker doesn’t seem to have this annoyance.

    GIF: as you can see, focus is just lost.

    Suggested solution: do not remove focus on keydown, and instead complain/nag if the format is wrong / automatically fix the input provided on blur event.

  • Hi @kisuli

    I’ve just tested it on my installation but failed to reproduce the issue. Could you please make sure that there’s no conflict on your site? Could you please try to reproduce the issue on one of the WordPress’ stock themes (like Twenty Sixteen) with other plugins deactivated? If it disappears, then you can activate the theme and plugins one by one to see which one causes the issue.

    You can also try to check the console tab of the developer tools of your browser to see if there are error messages on the page.

    Also, could you please tell me the version of your ACF?

    Thanks 🙂

  • Hi!

    No need to do that. My ACF version was 5.4.5, for some reason I didn’t get a notification about newer release, but that one is probably related to Composer.

    As our project layouts are based on Bedrock, we manage plugins via composer (advantages include version control, click-free deployments etc.), but plugins that don’t officially support Composer are a bit tricky.

    Here’s how we do it:

      "repositories": [{
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""
      }, {
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""
      }, {
        "type": "package",
        "package": {
          "name": "advanced-custom-fields/advanced-custom-fields-pro",
          "version": "5.4.8",
          "type": "wordpress-plugin",
          "dist": {
            "type": "zip",
            "url": ""
      "require": {
        "advanced-custom-fields/advanced-custom-fields-pro": "*", 

    So if you were to add proper Composer support, we could get automatic updates, and these kind of threads would never exist 😉 Currently we have to manually bumb the version number (or flush the composer cache) to get updates. Proper Composer support would mean that composer update would be enough.

    We’re not the only ones missing this feature:

    So, this problem is solved. Bad version was the cause.

  • Hi @kisuli

    In this case, Could you please open a new ticket so this issue can be passed directly to the plugin author? You can open a new ticket here: Also, please don’t forget to explain the issue again.

    Thanks 🙂

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