I had an older version of ACF downloaded and running on my website, and it worked well. I’ve since updated my WordPress version to 5.2.3, PHP version to 5.6.20, and ACF plugin to 5.8.3, and now ACF is no longer working properly. Everything looks fine on the back end; I can still see and edit my old ACF fields, but I can’t see anything on the front end. I created a new ACF text field called ‘test’ to test this out. My php looks like this:
<?php the_field('test'); ?>
And yet I see nothing on the front end. What am I doing wrong?
Hi Madjaeg,
Exept by telling you to check if ‘the_field()’ is in a post loop it’s hard to identify and fix your issue with no page code.
Because of you updated your PHP, WP and ACF at the same time your issue can be explain by PHP, WP or ACF syntaxe error…
Can you put your complete page code? to allow us to identify what goes wrong.
If you were using ACF 4 on and you updated to ACF 5 without going doing the DB update then this could happen. https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/upgrade-guide-version-5/