I’m using ACF Pro for quite some times now, and recently I encountered a recurrent problem that I can’t solve by myself
The problem comes from le KEY field, when I’m a adding a new field, the key is correctly generated (with a uniqid) ie: field_559bc732c584c
But when I publish my new ACF group all the keys will be replaced with the corresponding field label (or at least a slug of the field label, “Test” will become “test), the problem, is that the key is no longer unique (many field have the same labels)
Am I the only one to encounter this kind of problem ?
I tested with a fresh install, no theme, no plugin (WP 4.2.3 & 4.2.2). I don’t have the problem with the regular ACF (not pro)
I’m not seeing this in my installation of ACF.
Do you have any ACF add on plugins from the WP repo installed?
What are they?
None, fresh install, only ACF Pro 5.2.7 installed and activated :-/
Woops neverming, the problem comes from my theme and an automatic slug update on wp_insert_post_data.. My bad.
Anyway thanks John Huebner for taking a look.