Hi Guys
Is it possible to display the custom content type which we will create using ACF in Admin menu
Eg : I create a content type as “Events”, but I don’t get the Events in admin menu
Please help me….
Hi Sreelesh:
I think you’re a little confused about what ACF does. The plugin creates fields that you can attach to a post or custom post type like events, but it does not create the custom post type itself.
To create a CPT you’ll need to use another plugin that creates them or hard code them yourself and add them to your theme’s functions file… there are lots of code generators out there, here’s one: http://generatewp.com/
Once you’ve created the cpt, ACF can be used to add custom data to the post. For events, it would be used to add fields like date and time, location, description etc.
Hope that helps,