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Textarea escaping on each save

  • Hi guys,

    I have an ACF Theme Options page to allow the user to insert HTML code for a donation button in TextArea field.

    Each time I save the options page, slashes are being added. I understand it happening on the first save, but they keep adding up…

    First Save
    <form action=\"\" method=\"post\" target=\"_top\">
    Second Save
    <form action=\\\"\\\" method=\\\"post\\\" target=\\\"_top\\\">
    Third Save
    <form action=\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\" method=\\\\\\\"post\\\\\\\" target=\\\\\\\"_top\\\\\\\">

    I am slash-stripping on the front end but it’s annoying. Any idea what’s going on, please?

  • My apologies for the issues in version 5.7.11.
    I am confident we have found and fixed the issue.

    Can you please re-download the ACF PRO plugin files and test the issue?

    An easy way to re-download is to edit the main acf.php plugin file and change the version number ‘5.7.11’ down to ‘5.7.10’
    – please note the version number appears twice in this file and both will need to be changed
    – after this change is made, please update the plugin as per normal and it will update to 5.7.11 (including the new fix)

  • That fixed it. Thanks Elliot! 🙂

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