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Taxonomy terms related to other taxonomy terms

  • Hi to all of you,

    I have a custom taxonomy, and I’m trying to give to each term the possibility to have one or more related terms from the same taxonomy.

    I have created a “taxonomy” field with checkbox as type.
    The “location” is “taxonomy term” = “my custom taxonomy”.
    I uploaded a screenshot of my settings.

    And I can check one or more terms from my taxonomy editor!

    But I can’t get the value on the front-end 🙁

    I have more custom fields on the taxonomy page and they works good, but this one I can’t get it work!

    Thanks for your help.

  • Hi @giofilo,

    Thanks for the post.

    To get values from Taxonomy terms, you will need to add a second parameter to the get_field() function and this should be a string containing the the the term’s taxonomy and ID in the following format; “{$term->taxonomy}_{$term->term_id}”

    For more info on this, please check out the following page:

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