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Taxonomy Link to Custom Post Type Archive

  • Greetings,

    I have created an ACF Custom Field Group for a custom post type called “portfolio-cpt”. The Field Group contains the “Taxonomy” Field Type with “taxonomy” as Field Name. I then created 5 custom posts and assigned the category (Custom Taxonomy) of “Art” to each one.

    Using the following code in my ‘single-portfolio-cpt.php’ file I attempt to create a link to an archive of the 5 custom posts with the category of “Art”:

    $term = get_field(‘taxonomy’);

    if( $term ): ?>

    $term->name: <?php echo $term->name; ?>

    $term->description: <?php echo $term->description; ?>

    $term->slug: <?php echo $term->slug; ?>

    $term->id: <?php echo $term->term_id; ?>

    get_term_link($term): <?php echo get_term_link( $term ); ?>

    “>View all ‘<?php echo $term->name; ?>’ posts

    <?php endif; ?>


    $term->name: Art
    $term->description: Art
    $term->slug: art
    $term->id: 3

    This link tries to pull up the regular posts (not the custom ones) with category ‘Art’ (and there are none). How can I display an archive of the 5 custom posts types with the category of ‘Art’?

    Thank you,

  • Hi @dniclas

    You say you’ve also registered a custom taxonomy connected with your portfolio-cpt but to me it seems you’ve rather created a term/category named art only. That means that when visiting the archive you’re visiting the archive of a regular category (wordpress builtin categories).

    If you want to only display your custom post type you’ll have to hook into the query for this archive and change the post_type OR actually register your own taxonomy and use that instead.

    Here’s a snippet you can add to your themes functions.php to change the archive of the specific “art” category to only display your CPT:

    function my_modify_queries( $query ) {
    	//dont run on admin or not a main query
        if ( is_admin() || ! $query->is_main_query() )
        if ( is_category('art') ) {
            // Display only 1 post for the original blog archive
            $query->set( 'post_type', 'portfolio-cpt' );
    add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'my_modify_queries', 1 );
  • Hi Jonathan,

    You identified the problem exactly. I did not register the custom taxonomy in functions.php. If you had not told me how to do this and provided the snipped I would be lost, so thank you very much.

    I would like to point out that to make the archive work for the custom posts types (with the custom Taxonomy) I had to select the correct Taxonomy in the custom Taxonomy selection box and ALSO check off the identical Category Taxonomy in the standard WP Catagories box. I am totally ok with this, but want to point it out to check and make sure this is ok and won’t bite me down the road.

    Thank you for your help!

  • Hi Daniel,

    Glad I could help. By check off do you mean that you had to uncheck the “art” category in the builtin category-taxonomy for your custom taxonomys term “art” to work properly?

  • Hi Jonathan, Sorry for being unclear. I had to check the “art” checkbox in the Wp Catagories box (in addition to selecting the “art” taxonomy in the ACF Taxonomy select box).


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