maybe I found a bug.
If I use a Google Map within a tab, the following tabs were not listed next to the first tab, but after the “infected” tab.
Here is the screen, which contains a first tab “Postadresse” with a Google Map (the tabs “Rechnungsadresse” and “Lieferadresse” at the bottom are empty): 
Maybe you can find the error.
Thanks a lot.
Hi @Christian
It looks like the tabs are from different field groups. This would explain why they are not joining together. I think If you removed the google map field, the issue would not be resolved.
Tab fields can’t yet join together from multiple field groups.
Hope that helps.
I wish I could confirm this, but unfortunately it is not so. All tabs are in one field group.
Here is a backend screenshot.

I can give you access to the backend, if you want.