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Tabs with different fields

  • Great Acf friends, this time I have a question that I consider simple. I’m currently trying to create tabs on the frontend. To specify the tabs as. Production Details | Characteristics | Dimensions | Related | News.
    If I do it in the normal way, for example:

    <ul class = "nav nav-tabs" id = "myTab" role = "tablist"> <li> </li>
    <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane text-center fade in active" id="id">
    <h2> <?php the_sub_field ('tab_'); ?> </h2>
    <?php the_sub_field ('tab_content'); ?>

    I can make it work. However using flex content, the content will always be the same for everyone. I managed in a very unconventional way to create a li for each flex and it worked fine. However, how can I make each tabs have different fields registered in the admin? Without the same field repeating for all.

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