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Support for “Conditional Logic” based on the selection in a Taxonomy fi

  • ACF Pro should support “Conditional Logic” settings based on the selection in a Taxonomy field, but it does not. ACF support advises that this does not currently work and advised that I post here. Please vote for this improvement!

    Here’s an example:

    In the fields for a CPT called “Bio”, I have a Taxonomy field called “Position”. It displays as three checkboxes. It uses a custom taxonomy called “Bio Type” with these three terms:

    Actor (tag_ID for this term is 19)
    Crew (tag_ID for this term is 20)
    Musician (tag_ID for this term is 21)

    (Note: the terms in the custom taxonomy are identified as “tag_ID”.)

    I have another field (a text field) called “Role”.

    I only want the “Role” field to be visible if the checkbox for Actor (tag_ID 19) has been selected.

    In the “Conditional Logic” tab of the “Role” field, I have…
    Show this field if
    Position | Selection is greater than | 18 (and)
    Position | Selection is less than | 20
    “Conditional Logic” settings based on the selection in a Taxonomy fieldag_
    Sadly, this does not work!

    This is the way this works with other types of content, but custom taxonomies are not currently supported. I’d imagine that, since this works for other types of content (for example, post categories) where the term is identified by TERM_ID, it would not be too hard to extend this to tag_ID.

    ACF will only implement this if it gets votes here; please help by liking this.

  • maybe they meant to post it here

    but anyway, I do not understand to difference between your custom taxonomy and others. All taxonomies in WP have a “term_id” property. How is it that your taxonomy does not have this property?

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