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Subscriber Role to Edit User Fields?

  • I have a set of fields assigned to users. Location Rules: Show if User Role is equal to All. So it shows up in the edit profile screen: /wp-admin/profile.php

    When logged in as Admin or Editor, I can see and edit the field on both my own profile and others’ profiles.

    But when logged in as a subscriber, the field is not present.I need all users to be able to edit this field, including subscribers.

    Are there other permissions or capabilities for a subscriber to be able to self-edit these fields?


  • If you want everyone to be able to edit then remove the user role condition.

    The condition is “Current User Role” which means the user that is currently logged in.

    This rule does not have a “All” value. So to I’m a little confused about how you are setting this rule. Are you using another plugin that provides a “All” option?

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