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Submit ACF form to access page

  • Hello folks,

    Is it possible to use ACF pro in this case and how…?


    Let’s say we have an questionnaire form created with Advanced custom fields. To see/access content on specific page on my website, first the registered user needs to submit the form only one time.
    All in all I want give access to some pages only for those registered user who submitted the questionnaire. The user will submit the form only one time and after that for every visit on same page it’s not necessary to submit again.

    Any idea how to do this?

    Best regards!

  • You are talking about creating gated content. Yes, you can use ACF for the form but beyond that you’ll need a lot more. ACF would only be one small part of a complex application.

    Before trying to build something you might want to look for existing plugins that might do what you’re looking for.

  • Hi John,

    Thank you so much for your reply!

    Yes, I am searching for plugin, but I can’t find it.

    There are a lot of for creator plugin but can’t find extension for my request.


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