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Sort posts using ACF date field, if none set, use post date

  • Hoping someone can help me!

    So i’ve created a custom post type, and assigned a date/time selector do it.

    What i want to do is to edit the post query (which i am doing to include the post type) to sort so that if a date is set to a post, then it sorts by that date. If not, then should just use the post date (and this is true for all other posts).

    I don’t want to filter just posts with this set, i want all posts. it’s essentially artifically changing the post_date to be the one set in custom field.

    I need to do this as the dates are ahead in time.

    Hope someone can help me!
    PS: i’ve checked the fields output date, again the post date and the format is identical (2019-04-03 17:00:00).

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