function sort_checkbox( $field ) {
$field = sort($field["choices"]);
return $field;
add_filter('acf/load_field/key=field_5d4164d40898f', 'sort_checkbox');
But it doesn’t work?
Hi Tringwebdesign,
I think it’s not working because you try to save the $field[“choices”] in $field, try this :
function sort_checkbox( $field ) {
$field["choices"] = sort($field["choices"]);
return $field;
add_filter('acf/load_field/key=field_5d4164d40898f', 'sort_checkbox');
I assume the sort method you use is correct, it’s may not.
Not working but one step closer, thank you.
Maybe the sort method doesn’t work … You can’t check here how to use the sort method.
I assume you have text choices so you may have to add a sort flag (See in the link).
I think you should use ksort – it sorts the array by key.
Also you can’t save it to the $field[‘choices’], because this function does it by pointers. Just do it like this:
function sort_checkbox( $field ) {
return $field;
add_filter('acf/load_field/key=field_5d4164d40898f', 'sort_checkbox');