Hi !
Is there a restriction to available fields for conditional logic ?
I encounter a list of fields which some are not available and can’t figure out why or what could drive this behavior.
I need to use an Image Select for conditional logic.
Thanks a lot for any help.
OK well by searching not so far, I found that it’s a recurent question and that conditional logic seams to be unavailable for image select.
Is there any technical reason or is it by choice ?
If none of these, is is planed to be done or, by default, is there a way to achieve that ?
Originally, conditional logic was only available on “choice” fields (select, radio, check box, true/false.) They have slowly been expanding this. I can’t say if this will be expanded to include image fields or not. https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/contact/
Thanks a lot John.
I’ll write to the team.