Hi there,
I’m trying to get this code to work in my functions.php, but I’m missing something where I get the posts I guess.
Products have a few ACF field, including one called ‘date_of_event’. That’s a datepicker field. I want to hide all products that are out of stock and the date has past. For the products where the stock is 0, but the date in the future I want to display them (don’t hide).
Can anyone check my code and tell me what I am missing?
add_filter( 'pre_option_woocommerce_hide_out_of_stock_items', 'bbloomer_hide_out_of_stock_exception_page' );
function bbloomer_hide_out_of_stock_exception_page( $hide ) {
$sDate = get_field('date_of_event');
$currendDate = date('Ymd');
if($sDate > $currendDate){
$hide = 'no';
return $hide;