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I’m using nested repeater fields, I set it up based on your example here, http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/tutorials/working-with-nested-repeaters/. In the second repeater field I have a radio button conditional that determines if there will be a text box shown or a file upload. Right now I have 54 items total in the second repeater field. I have noticed that when I press add another for the first or second repeater, it takes a very long time to put the new HTML on the page so I can input what I need. This also happens when I click on the conditional radio button. Is there anything I can do to speed this up? If you need more info, I’m happy to provide it. Thanks! Love this plugin BTW, makes my life so much easier!.
Hi @jhkerschner
Thanks for the bug report. This is a current bug which will be fixed soon.
You can find the origional thread here:
Awesome, thanks Elliot!, I disabled the conditional logic for now and that sped it up. Guess I didn’t search hard enough!
Hi Elliot,
I have run into (seemingly) the same issue. I have a bunch of conditional logic in my repeater fields and its cause the new HTML to take a very long time to load in. I was just wondering if we could get a ballpark estimate or timeline for when we could expect to see a fix? I really love using your plugin and don’t want to have to resort to a less elegant solution.
Dear Elliot,
I have the same issue when using the repeater add-on and I’m looking forward to the fix. Many thanks in advance!
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