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Hello community,
I would like to build a slider in which I integrate two images for the different resolutions (desktop and mobile). I embed the image as a ccs style element over background image. This works very well for a picture. Now my question. Is it possible to write an if/else statement that checks the resolution and then inserts the respective picture? I’ve searched the internet a lot and $(window).width sounds very promising. Unfortunately, I can’t get it to work. I hope you can help me. Here is my source code
if( have_rows('slider') ):
$i = 0; // Set the increment variable
echo '<div class="slider-frontpage">
<div class="slides">';
// loop through the rows of data for the tab header
while ( have_rows('slider') ) : the_row();
$slider_image = get_sub_field('slider_image');
$slider_image_mobile = get_sub_field('slider_image_mobile');
$slider_text = get_sub_field('slider_text');
<div class="slide" style="background-image:url(<?php if ( $(window).width() < 576) { echo $slider_image['url']; }} else { echo $slider_image_mobile ['url'];} ?>); ">
<div class="slider-text-container">
<div class="mb-3"><?php the_sub_field('slider_text'); ?></div>
<?php $i++; // Increment the increment variable
endwhile; //End the loop
echo '</div>
else :
// no rows found
endif; ?>
Best regards
Hey @varilux2k ,
It seems you’re using JavaScript ( JQuery > $ ) within PHP tags wrongly.
PHP solution:
if (!wp_is_mobile()) {
echo $slider_image['url'];
} else {
echo $slider_image_mobile ['url'];
HTML solution:
<source media="(min-width: 36em)"
srcset="large.jpg 1024w,
medium.jpg 640w,
small.jpg 320w"
sizes="33.3vw" />
<source srcset="cropped-large.jpg 2x,
cropped-small.jpg 1x" />
<img src="small.jpg" alt="A rad wolf" />
JavaScript solution ( if you extend your html with data attr ):
var imageBgs = document.querySelectorAll('[data-bg-mobile]');
var screenWidth = window.innerWidth;
for(var i=0; i<imageBgs.length; i++) {
if( screenWidth < 576 ){
// Load mobile image
imageBgs[i].style.backgroundImage = 'url('+imageBgs[i].getAttribute('data-bg-mobile')+')';
Hello @ChrisDark,
Thank you for your answer and a list of the many possibilities. The HTML solution is unfortunately out of the question for me, because I want to use my invited images as background images.
I tried the PHP solution, but unfortunately without any result. Where do I have to place the source code? After “backround-image: url (“? I looked a little bit on the Internet. I read that the method can cause problems with caching tools.
I like your last variant best, but I didn’t get that to work either 🙂
How and where can I place a or the data attr? I am grateful to you for any help.
Best regards
Another way to make a background image responsive based on images that will be uploaded is to us inline styles. Basically, you add full <style></style>
elements to the page that are dynamically generated.
I don’t have example code that I can share. Basically what you need to do is read through your available image sizes and generate @media
CSS for each screen size you want to use and use the element ID and set the background image at for the media selector.
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