Strange problem here. I’m calling an entire group to display in the front end, and for some reason one field will not show up.
Its a group of radio boxes and a single text box, with all the radio boxes having a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ option. All the fields show up in the front end except one for ‘VISA’. I’ve deleted the field, re-made it, switched its location in the group, etc to no avail.
Has anyone else seen this happen?? Is there a problem with calling the field ‘VISA’?? (It has to be called that to match the data in the database.).
Hi @aaronrobb
Can you post the code you use to output VISA?
Also, can you check the DB wp_postmeta table and find the row for this value and the post_id in question? Is the value stored correctly?
I’m just trying to output it normally with the ‘the_field’ call.
Ok looked in the DB and compared the values of ‘VISA’ to that of what should be exactly the same: ‘MASTERCARD’. All code is the same, except the last bit:
I don’t know what these codes mean. DO you see anything wrong, or why its different? The visa obviously has the ‘s:19:”field…..’ part that isn’t in the mastercard one…. but looking at the field group editor, they are set up exactly the same….
Hi @aaronrobb
for some reason, the Mastercard field does not contain a field key…
Are you able to delete both fields and re-create them?
Do they now appear the same?