i have ACF for users . i need to show it on my-account page with shortcode
but somehow it is not working
[acf field="Bookingsavailable"]
is “Bookingsavailable” the exact field name, case sensitive?
What type of field is it?
When you say “my-account page”, exactly what do you mean?
page does not matter, i am using VPBakery widget or shortcode
in images you can see my settings, i have set Bookings to 50 , but on page it shows 0
maybe i need to set somewhere to read from current user?
I have no idea how to do this in VPBakery widget or shortcode, but yes it does need to read from the user.
When a shortcode is not used than WP looks at the return of “get_queried_object()” to determine where to get the value from.
but how then can i show this field on a page ?
ok i got it with php snippet