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Show/Hide meta boxes from other plugins

  • Not sure whether this is possible or not but the current show/hide check boxes works great in allowing us to clean up certain edit pages.

    Is it possible to make this dynamic in that any plugins we add – with all the various meta boxes it may add to the edit page – can we then show/hide those?

    For example, we use the Pages Link To plugin which adds a meta box to all posts/pages/CPT’s. In some cases we only want it to show on certain post types.

    It would be great if we could have an option to show/hide this when we create a new ACF post. Somehow this would need to dynamically add all the extra meta boxes to the current default list.

  • Hi @robteamworks

    Thanks for the feature request, but this would be difficult and heavy to add into the ACF plugin.

    A better alternative is to write some custom CSS or JS which will hide the metaboxes you want.

    I’ll add this to the to-do to add in a custom action which you could hook into the acf field group CSS, to then append some custom CSS when a field group is shown.


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