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Show multiple users on same page

  • Hello. I have a site with multiple authors. I have created a “Team” page where I want to show different author blocks on the same page. I have created two author blocks with GenerateBlocks and ACF. I have used Generate Block’s element which pulls meta data from their user profile pages on WordPress – author.png

    I have created ACF author fields that create the Custom Post Fields for GenerateBlocks – acf author fields.png

    However, I cannot figure out how to show both authors on the same page using ACF and Generate Blocks on my front end “Team page” WP keeps defaulting to the logged-in user and displaying two identical custom post fields with the same meta data.

    People have suggested another plugin to handle multiple authors but I am sure I can do this with ACF Pro and Generate Blocks pro?

    Please advice with detailed explanation as I have tried everythig else.


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