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Show Flexible Field if default WP content or Beaver Builder content set

  • We are going to be doing a website for a client using ACF and Beaver Builder. You can turn BB on or off and I want to use this alongside the flexible fields content.

    I can use the_content in a big include statement I use for the fleible fields. I have no problems with the code. The only problem I have is in the admin.

    If the default WordPress content is set OR Beaver Builder content is set, I want the user to be able to select a “Beaver Builder Content” (can be named whatever) row so you can move it about and position it on the page as required.

    If there is a way to do this in the admin can anyone let me know please? Otherwise the content will just be at the top after the header, which will be a bit naff.

    Big thanks in advance.


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