Good morning,
I try to explain the problem well.
I installed the ACF Plugin for the following reason (to have a group where I manage 3 fields).
Dettagli ACF:
1) I created a group with ACF with the following name: (Menu Details)
2) inside the group created ACF I created 3 fields
nome – type Text
ingredienti – type Text
prezzo – type Number
3) once created the group and the fields with ACF I went to the articles section of WordPress and I created 2 articles
Menu item (with the following menu CATEGORY)
Deliver item (with the following delivery CATEGORY)
*once I have created the two articles and compiled the ACF FIELDS INSIDE THE TWO ARTICLES I created a file inside the WP-CONTENT / THEMES / BETHEME / page-acf.php line 47 to 78 code and I customized the graphics I want to use with the ACF fields that I extract (I ATTACH FILE WITH THE ACF CODE + GRAPHICS).
IMPORTANT QUESTION: inside the file I created to extract and display the information entered in the ACF fields and see them in the front-end part of the website, I must always specify the following code for each field:
<?php the_field(‘nome_piatto’, 383); ?>
<?php the_field(‘ingredienti_menu’, 383); ?>
<?php the_field(‘prezzo’, 383); ?>
BUT I ALWAYS HAVE TO SPECIFY (POST_ID) instead I would like to specify not the post_id but the (category ID) that I put on each article … otherwise I would have to create that <? Php the_field (‘price’, 383); ?>