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Show all Checkboxes in a column

  • Hello,

    I have created a list of checkboxes (property features), and when these are selected, they are shown in a row seperated by commas.
    It shows like this:
    Garage, Pool, 3D television, Air Conditioning, Bed Linen, Fireplace,

    Is it possible to fix this to show in a column – one feature per line ?
    Is there an addon for this?
    To show like this:
    3D television
    Air Conditioning
    Bed Linen

    If this must be done manually, in which ACF file must changes be made in order to get this result?

    I would appreciate any help on this
    Thank you and congradulations on such a great product.!!

  • Hi @marogiannis

    I’m guessing that you are using teh code the_field('field_name') to render the values into your template file.

    Because the selected values are saved into the DB as an array, you will need to retrieved the array with get_field, then loop through the values and render them as you want.


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