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Show ACF Field in WooCommerce Add New Product for Specific Category

  • Hi there,

    I need help in showing the ACF fields that I’ve created in WooCommerce Add New Product Page for a specific category only. That specific category would have some sub-category and I would like to include those as well. I can’t choose Post Type as Product because I have different fields customized for different product category.

    Currently, I could only make it to show in the Edit Product Page. If I choose the location rules as Post Taxonomy for a certain product type or product cat, then it’ll only show those ACF fields in the Edit Product Page as that particular post is published, and so it has its own taxonomy queried. However, before the post is published (add new product page), it would not show since it doesn’t have any taxonomy query yet.

    Is there anything that I can set to make this work or any advice on this? Would appreciate very much for the help given. Thanks

  • If the field group is not being shown, edit page is not changing to show the field group, when then product category is changed.

    I you are using gutenberg editor or it is active then this is a know issue.

    Contact the developers or submit a ticket.

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