I need to show custom dates using a field titled ‘Class Dates’. I have created the ACF field but how do I add that field including the title of that field only to specific categories on woocommerce using a shortcode? And if that isn’t possible what other way is there? Any information or snippets to help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
@bulldogsnare As I can understand, you have created a date field for the product category taxonomy and you want to display it in your product category archives. Here is one approach to do that –
function tax_date_field(){
// get the current taxonomy term
$term = get_queried_object();
//ACF field
$date = get_field('class_dates', $term);
$class_date = '';
if( is_tax('product_cat') && $date ) {
$class_date = sprintf(
'<div class="class-date"><label>%s</label>%s</div>',
esc_html__('Post Dates:', 'your-themes-text-domain'),
esc_html( $date )
return $class_date;
Now you can echo the function to your product category archives. To do that, WooCommerce have some hooks for the taxonomy archive page which you can find inside archive-product.php
template file inside WooCommerce plugin folder.
Here I am hooking it to woocommerce_before_shop_loop
. In your functions.php –
add_action('woocommerce_before_shop_loop', 'show_post_dates', 11);
function show_post_dates(){
echo tax_date_field();
Now the field will be shown at product taxonomy archives. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi @amitbiswas06.
Thank you for your reply. But I don’t think you’ve fully understood what I was after, apologies if I have cause any confusion.
I have created an ACF field called class_dates which is only visible on the product category called ‘courses’.
However, I want to give this information a title so that customers can easily see what this date is. i.e.:
Class Dates & Time (h2 title)
31/12/2020 at 9pm (class date field).
Ive used the ACF shortcode to add this field to the Woocommerce product page template but I can’t pass through the title to the product page just the field text.