

Home Forums ACF PRO Shortcode



  • Hi Team,

    I used the ACF on my site, on the category page I put the custom field description with wysiwyg. But Don’t know why suddenly the editor did not print the shortcode. For example i have shortcode [my_shortcode] typed on editor, but on the front end it showed [my_shortcode]. Anyone face this too?


    FYI: I am using pro vesion

  • Maybe a redundant question; did you register the shortcode ?

  • Hi Beee,

    Thanks for response, yes the shortcode registered. If I am using the standard WP WYSIWYG it worked. Any suggestions?


  • Can you provide the code you have so far ?

  • Hi Beee,

    Here my code:

    /* Shortcode for additional product meta */
    /* Shortcode for single product details */
    function shortcode_product_title() {
        global $product;
        return $product->get_title();
    function shortcode_product_cat() {
        global $product;
        $category = get_the_terms( $product->ID, 'product_cat' );
        if ($category) {
            return $category[0]->name;
        } else {
            return '<span style="color:red">[please input the category of this product]</span>';
    function shortcode_product_brand() {
        global $product;
        $brand = get_the_terms( $product->ID, 'product_brand' );
        if ($brand) {
            return $brand[0]->name;
        } else {
            return '<span style="color:red">[please input the brand of this product]</span>';
    function shortcode_category_title() {
    	if ($term = get_queried_object()) {
    		$taxonomy = $term->taxonomy;
    		if ($taxonomy == "product_cat") {
    			return $term->name;
    		} else {
    			return 0;
  • That is just the shortcode definition. Do you also have the code where you retrieve the ACF values ?

    What if you apply the filter ‘the_content’ to that output ?

  • Hi Beee,

    Here the code to retrieve the field:

    			if ($term = get_queried_object()) {
    				$taxonomy = $term->taxonomy;
    				if ($taxonomy == "product_cat") {
    					echo get_field('custom_category_description', 'option');

    Where should I put ‘the_content’?


  • Forget that last part (for now).

    I just did a test. I added a wysiwyg field to my taxonomy and added my shortcode, which is [home_url].

    When I var_dumped this field as follows:

    var_dump(get_field('content','{taxonomy}_{term_id}')); exit;

    it gives me my home_url.

    If I then echo it on my page it produces the same value.

    And I didn’t apply any filter or do something extra. This is straight out of the box. So my first guess now is you have something activated (like a filter or so) which stops this shortcode from outputting.

    Have you tested this with all plugins deactivated and on a default WP theme ?

  • I just realised that the default taxonomy description is also a wysiwyg editor (never realised this. I never use it).

    Have you tried that as well ?

  • I probably completely overlooked it, but your syntax appears to be wrong.

    You use
    echo get_field('custom_category_description', 'option');
    but you need to use
    echo get_field('custom_category_description', {taxonomy}_{term_id});

    So now I’m wondering why you get an output if this is the actual code, because your code retrieves an option field value and NOT a taxonomy description (or I’m not understanding your setup fully).

  • Try to changed in to
    echo get_field('custom_category_description', {taxonomy}_{term_id});

    But give the error 500, and also not working after disable all plugin, is it possible cause by WP upgrade, this happened after version upgraded

  • Just to be sure, you do understand, where it says {taxonomy}/{term_id} you have to replace it with ‘your variables’ ?

    echo get_field('custom_category_description', category_categoryID );

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