Hi everyone.
I am looking to find how to get a short code that will show the label first and then the value. Ideally I would like to be able to style the label and value differently. Currently there doesn’t seem to be any documentation on how to do this.
So to be clear I have a Field called, Plant Name, so I would like a short code to display Plant Name: Apple Tree. So that if the field is empty neither the Label or the Value show on the outputed post.
Any help would be amazing
Sorted this myself.
For the record I have created a shortcode.php file and called it from functions.php
It was quite easy once I understood. This is the type of code I used
function cultivar_name() {
$field_name = “cultivar”;
$field = get_field_object($field_name);
echo ‘‘, $field[‘label’],’‘ . ‘: ‘ . ‘<div class=”headlinename”>’, $field[‘value’],'</div>’,'</br>’;}
add_shortcode( ‘cultivar’, ‘cultivar_name’ );